Socialist Equality Party (SEP)

The Socialist Equality Party is the Australian section of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), the World Party of Socialist Revolution.

The Fourth International was established by Leon Trotsky, the co-leader with Lenin of the Russian revolution, in 1938 to continue the fight for internationalism against the nationalist program advanced by Stalin and his bureaucratic apparatus in the Soviet Union. The ICFI publishes the World Socialist Web Site.

The SEP is the successor to the Socialist Labour League, which was founded as the Australian section of the ICFI in 1972. Until 1998 the SLL/SEP published a regular newspaper, the Workers News. From 1998 the SEP has collaborated with the other sections of the ICFI in the daily publication of the WSWS.

SEP branches are currently located in Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle, Brisbane and Perth.

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Socialist Equality Party (SEP)

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