James Petras

United States, Latin America, Middle East, Analysis

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United States and Venezuela: A Historical Background
In 1823 US President Monroe declared, in his name, the ‘Monroe Doctrine” – the US right to keep Europeans out of the region, but the right...

US Global Power: The Trump Period: An Assessment
Assessing the dynamics of US global power is a complex problem which requires examining multiple dimensions. Read essay [PDF]

Shadow Boxing for Empire: The Mueller Report
The US adopted a dual response: to pursue a policy of reconciliation with regional adversaries – (Iran and Cuba) – and to promote a policy of...

Julian Assange and the Agenda for Global War
Never has the mass media been so thoroughly discredited by official documents which directly contradict the official propaganda, mouthed by...

New book: “Latin America in the Vortex of Social Change”
Abstract The first decade of the new millennium opened, and threatened to close, with an involution in the system of global capitalist...

Why Venezuela has not been Defeated
In fact, most of the US induced ‘regime changes’ has strengthened the support for the Chavez – Maduro government. Read essay [PDF]

New Zealand Mosque Massacre: White Supremacy and Western Wars
First and most important, Western countries led by the Anglo-American world has been at war killing and uprooting millions of Muslims with...

President Trump and the Democratic Congress: The Score Sheet
We will proceed by first analyzing domestic outcomes and then turn to foreign policy. Read essay [PDF]

US Negotiations: Masters of Defeats
While diplomacy is less subject to military and economic losses it does require making concessions. Negotiations are only successful if there are...

The Recolonization of Latin America and the War on Venezuela
The second decade of the 21st century has witnessed, in word and deed, the most thorough and successful US recolonization of Latin America, and...

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