Initiative of Communist & Workers' Parties

The “INITIATIVE of communist and workers’ parties in order to study and elaborate European issues and to coordinate their activity” is a form of cooperation between Communist and Workers' parties from member states of the EU, associated related states and other European countries.

It is based on a Founding Declaration, which outlines its principles and objectives. It is not a unified political party, nor a “European party", as those set up by the EU. On this basis all parties involved in the "INITIATIVE" have the same rights and obligations, while political decisions are taken via the principle of unanimity. (For more details see “Operating Framework”).

The "INITIATIVE" currently involves 30 Communist and Workers' parties from European countries. (For further details see "Parties").

The headquarters of the Secretariat of the "INITIATIVE", for which the Communist Part of Greece (KKE) has the responsibility, are located in Athens.

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