People's Media - Newscham

"Chamsaesang"(which means "true world"), took off on 1st May 2005, as an alternative media for the Korean left movement.

Neoliberal attack of capital is sweeping across the entire world. The Korean ruling class is pushing forth various neoliberal policies. As a result, livelihood of workers and people is under threat while social impoverishment is becoming increasingly worse. However, it is also true that the resistance and struggles of the people are also continuing.

Chamsaesang is a new media aiming to manifest the true lives and struggles of the people and to contribute to building an alternative society. The media department of Jinbonet (Korea's independent ICT network) became independent and transformed into the new people's media together with labour, social and media movements.

Chamsaesang is a media of workers, peasants, the poor, women, disabled persons, migrant workers, youths and social minorities. It will be financed by membership fees and social, public support, and will maintain financial independence. It will stay guard against neoliberalist and ultranationalist ideologies, and instead will strive to become a left media that is based on the lives, struggles, culture and alternative discourse of people as social agents.

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The Fire on Dragon Hill
In the early morning hours of January 20th, a shipping container carrying members of the police SWAT team was hoisted to the roof of the...

"I hope my mother is proud of me"
"Some of us women in the army were much stronger and more tolerant of hardship than the men. I don’t think gender makes a difference...

Korean Privacy Report 2007-2008(1)
Privacy Supervisory Authority In Korea, there is not the Basic Act on the Protection of Personal Information to protect privacy in all spheres...

Peace to Tibet
Tibet at 4900 meters in altitude, known as a land of spirit near heaven, is a land of struggle for independence against Chinese for 60 years....

Police Fires WaterCannon During Violent Crackdown
On 1st of June 2008, the police are firing water cannon to the people in the street. The people's countermeasure council officially reported that...

Mass movement halts the neo-liberal bulldozer
The newly elected neo-conservative regime of President Lee Myungbak has been humbled by the spontaneous emergence of a mass movement,...

This is the way of "Korean Democracy"(1)
Mass protest caused by the Korean government's beef imports has lasted more than a month. Being angry, more than a hundred thousand people...

This is the way of "Korean Democracy"(2)
With the commander's saying "They're overwhelmed by police. Make line and push people", the 2nd quelling of the day was started. At...

More than the milidary dictatorship?
Angry with bus barricade which blocked to the main road to the Presidetial palace and government offices, people shaking bus barricade. Around...

South Korea:The general election and left-wing politics
For the South Korean left, the April 9 general election was another fiasco following the presidential election last December, in which the...

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