No2EU is a trade union-backed campaign. We believe the time is right to offer the peoples of Britain an alternative view of Europe.

The working peoples of Europe are clearly not happy with the direction the EU is taking. The failure of the mainstream parties to represent this feeling has led to a political vacuum.

We want to see a Europe of democratic states that value public services and does not offer them to profiteers; a Europe that guarantees the rights of workers and does not put the interests of big business above that of ordinary people. We believe the current structures of the EU makes this impossible.

We say…

Yes to workers’ rights
Exit the EU on the basis of socialist policies
Keep Britain out of the Eurozone
No to austerity whether from Brussels or Britain
Reject EU treaties that curtail democracy, encourage social dumping and demand privatisation
No to EU policies that privatise our transport and postal services
No to the EU-US Trade Agreement which threaten our NHS
No to unequal EU trade agreements
Scrap EU rules designed to stop member states from implementing independent economic policies
Develop sustainable manufacturing, agriculture and fishing industries in Britain
Repeal anti-trade union EU court rulings and rules which undermine collective agreements
Blame the bosses and bankers for the crisis, not immigrants
No to racism and fascism
Yes to international solidarity of working peoples
No to EU militarisation and an EU army
Restore democratic powers to EU member states

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