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Ixquick is the world's most powerful search engine employing the most advanced metasearch technology.

Ixquick search results are more comprehensive and more accurate than other search engines. Ixquick's unique capabilities include an Advanced Search, a global search and power refinement.

Find phone numbers and addresses worldwide with Ixquick's International Phone Directory, or search through 18 million hours of video fun with Ixquick's Video search.
More comprehensive search results
When you search with Ixquick search engine, you are searching many popular search engines simultaneously and anonymously. Combined, these engines cover more of the Internet than any one search engine alone.
More accurate search results
An Ixquick result is awarded one star () for every search engine that chooses it as one of the ten best results for your search. So a five star () result means that five search engines agreed on the result.

This is significant because search engines choose results in different ways, and each approach works well in some cases and poorly in others. A result with many stars was chosen for many different reasons, and is a consensus choice of many search engines.

Also, while irrelevant Web pages can be "optimized" to fool a single search engine's algorithm, it is much harder for a page to fool all the search engines.

Visit and enjoy the site Ixquick, belonging to category WWW Internet utilities

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