international communist press

The "International Communist Press-ICP" is a news portal which is affiliated with the International Relations Bureau of the Communist Party, Turkey.

The site is hosted and technically administered by the news portal,, which is one of the most popular online sources in Turkey.

ICP aims to provide genuine and objective information and news on the struggle of the international communist movement. The main concern of the site is to convey the progressive and revolutionary agenda as broad as possible. ICP functions within an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, revolutionary framework.

ICP editorial board welcomes all means of cooperation

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European Communist Meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels
On the invitation of the KKE, 38 CPs from Europe discussed anti-communism at the building of the EP. ICP,...

Communist Parties call for solidarity with the working people of Bolivia
Communist Parties of the world shared statements that condemned the coup d’état against the elected...

'Spanish bourgeoisie wants a government that defends the interests of the Spanish monopolies'
Special interview with Astor García, GS of the PCTE.   ICP, 11 November 2019   According to the results...

Iraqi CP calls to form a new government with exceptional powers
ICP interviewed Rudha Al-Dhahir, member of the CC of the Iraqi CP, who explained the Party's demand for the...

The appeal of the 21st IMCWP
The appeal of the 21st International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties   ICP, 26 October 2019  ...

The New CP of Yugoslavia commemorated the Liberation of Belgrade
75 years since Belgrade’s liberation from Nazi German occupation ICP, 26 October 2019 On October 20, the...

'We know that it was the largest demonstration in the history of Lebanon'
Special interview with Omar El Deeb from the Lebanese Communist Party. ICP, 23 October 2019 The uprising...

CPC: 'The struggle does not end on the election night'
The Communist Party of Canada (CPC) released a preliminary comment, highlighting the more complex situation...

Lebanese CP calls for a general strike
The Lebanese CP encourages the people to escalate the uprising and calls for a general strike to force the...

The 22nd IMCWP to be held in Pyongyang
The 21st IMCWP has been completed after four days. The next meeting is going to be held in Pyongyang, the...

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